Category: “Uncategorized”

Stop by our very first Puppy Pop-Up Shop

Sale items include Kong toys and yummy treats. And we are introducing some exciting new Made in USA treats, food and toys.

Of course we will have some pups there to snuggle with. 

Treat yourself to some unconditional love – just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Saturday, 2/11/23 at Rise N Shine Coffee 1664 Main Street in Ramona ( Next to Rubios).


Save Or Shave

Save Or Shave


Save The Hair / Shave The Head

For those of you that don’t know, we are a local Ramona-based dog rescue that pulls dogs in danger of being put down from all over Southern California. We take the sick, injured, old, young, and naughty pups that are out of options.

When we pull a dog, they stay with our rescue until they find their forever home.


This requires funds!! And since our rescue is volunteer run and survives solely on donations we have fundraisers to help us cover our costs.

– Here’s the deal –

To take part in our fundraiser you can vote by donating to either the Save the Hair or Shave the Head – and our Founder, Michelle, will either shave her head or save her hair.

Then join us Tuesday 11/28/17, at Pamo Valley Winery Tasting Room to watch the shaving, or celebrate the save! Results will be announced at 5 pm.

Kids are welcome to attend, come on out and support Ramona’s local dog rescue, have some fun and enjoy local wines.

If you’d rather donate in person, our donation voting jars can be found at Pamo Valley Winery Tasting Room.


Local Businesses Work Together To Help Rescue Dogs

Local Businesses Work Together To Help Rescue Dogs

It sounds like the beginning of a joke, what do an animal hospital, real estate office and propane company have in common. The answer is simple. They all worked together to help our rescue dogs sleep a little more comfortably.img_3320

It all started when Kamps Propane in Ramona sent out a sales letter and accidentally put the wrong phone number. The number belonged to Adobe Animal Hopsital in Ramona. Eddie from Kamps contacted Adobe to apologize and ask how they could make itright. Adobe told them they could make a donation to a local animal non-profit. Adobe Animal Hospital then referred Eddie to Coldwell Banker Country Realty in Ramona due to their dedication to helping local dog rescues. And Coldwell Banker sent Eddie to The Rescued Pup.

Here’s the kicker, just two days before we were at Costco buying supplies and as we walked by the dog beds I mentioned that it hurt my heart that we didn’t have beds for the dogs and that unfortunately they were too expensive for our budget ($0.00 for items like dog beds).

Yesterday we picked up the most wonderful, plush, comfy beds for our rescues, the same ones we saw at Costco. We are extremely thankful and humbled by the support of these local businesses. We are a small rescue and we’ve been going strong for over 4 years now. Our town has shown us such love and kindness and for that we are forever grateful.



A Home For The Holidays

This phrase is common and conjures up visions of a crackling fire, holiday decorations, a piping hot cup of cocoa and family gathered together. In a word, happiness.

12036985_527133717445026_3128105194777790080_nFor our rescue it has a different meaning. We’ve continuously struggled with the restrictions on the number of dogs we can have on our property. Recently we were able to sell our home and are temporarily on a property that doesn’t have the number limitations.

What we are lacking is a home for the dogs that is their very own. While we are in this transitional time we are in desperate need of large kennel pieces to set up daytime play areas for the dogs to be able to stretch their legs and have a place that smells familiar to them.

We’re raising funds on #GivingTuesday to help kick-start our giving season and to support and grow our “A Home For The Holidays” campaign with the goal to be able to have a home for all of our dogs during this transitional time.

Not only will we benefit from the funds raised on #GivingTuesday, but we will also earn matching funds from our partner, Network for Good, for gifts given online— making your support go even further.

Please consider making your year-end gift on December 1. If you wish to make your gift go further with matching funds, give online at