
Volunteer For The Dogs

We love what we do, but there is a lot to do and we need your help!

Here are some of the areas where we need help:

Animal Care and Feeding – Throughout the day the dogs need to be let out to potty, fed, taken for a walk, and given special attention. Many of our dogs just need to hang out near a human to help them overcome trust issues.
Cleaning – Mom always said, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” and that is doubly true with dogs. We need help cleaning crates, washing dishes, doing laundry and generally keeping the place tidy.
Data Entry – Record keeping is so important. We need help processing applications, adding medical records and other data entry processes.
Event Organization/Planning – From big parties to special days of the year – event planning is always needed. Help us secure donations for silent auctions, promote events, and take care of other important tasks.
Fundraising – We are looking for help with our fundraising efforts. Some examples of the help we need are identifying fundraising opportunities, running campaigns, correspondence, and managing campaigns.
Grant Writing – We are in desperate need of a grant writer to help us raise funds for our community outreach project and ongoing rescue efforts.
Overnight Foster – Sleepovers are a great way to let the dogs have some “downtime”. Supplies are provided. You just provide the patience and love.
Photography/Video – We can never have enough pictures or video of the rescues! We need help capturing their playful episodes, joyful times and adorable resting poses.
Social Media – Help us network the dogs through Facebook, Instagram and other social media engines.
Transport – We can’t always get to the shelter or get the dogs to the vet, this is where you come in! We provide the kennel for transport.
Walks and Excursions– Whether it’s a walk around town, a trail walk or a fun trip down the hill the dogs absolutely need exposure.

If you are interested in volunteering for our rescue. Simply fill out the form below, select the area(s) where you’d like to help and one of our staff members will contact you within 72 hours. To select more than one area to help hold down ctrl and select all that apply.